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TET Notes - Psychology

TET Notes - Psychology

the human mind

Abraham Maslow

  • Self actualization
  • Enhancing Self-Esteem model
  • Humanistic theory of motivation
  • needs
    • Self actualization needs
    • Esteem needs
    • Love and belonging needs
    • Safety
    • Physiological needs

Albert Bandura

  • Social Learning (Model) (ബന്à´§ു à´°)
  • Modeling


  • Personality trait
    • Cardinal
    • Cental
    • Secondary

      Atkinson - Shiffrin

  • Information Processing family
  • 3 stage memory model
    • Sensory memory
    • STM
    • LTM
  • Ebbinghaus -Curve of forgetting

    Auguste Comte

  • Father of Sociology

    BF Skinnner

  • Operand conditioning
  • Contingency management model
  • "psychology as the science of behaviour and experience"

    Carl Rogers

  • Self theory
  • Experiential learning
  • Non-Directive teaching model
  • Counselling as a teaching technique

    Daniel Golman

  • Emotional Intelligence

    David Ausbel

  • Meaningful Verbal Learning/ Theory of reception/Subsumption learning
    • Deductive learning
  • Advance organizer (Model)
  • sequential curriculum

    Edward L Thorndike

  • Father of modern educational psychology
  • Trail and error/ Connectionism / Bond theory
  • Laws of learning
    • Law of readiness
    • Laws of effect
    • Law of exercise

      Erik Erickson

  • Identity crisis
  • Psycho-analyst
  • Psycho social development stages
    • Trust vs. Mistrust (Birth to 18 months)
    • Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (18 months to 3 years)
    • Initiative vs. Guilt (3 to 5 years)
    • Industry vs. Inferiority (6 to 11 years)
    • Identity vs. Role Confusion (12 to 18 years)
    • Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young adulthood, roughly 18 to 40 years)
    • Generativity vs. Stagnation (Middle adulthood, roughly 40 to 65 years)
    • Integrity vs. Despair (Later adulthood, 65 to death)


  • Kindergarten
  • Book - Education of Man


  • 8 levels (à´¸ിà´¨ി à´¸ിà´¨ി à´šാà´Ÿി à´µാ മരത്à´¤ിൽ à´•േà´±ി à´ªൂ പറിà´•്à´•ാം )
    • Signal level
    • Stimulus Response level
    • Chaining
    • Verbal association
    • Multiple discrimination
    • Concept level
    • Principle level
    • Problem solving level

      George Payne

  • Father of educational sociology


  • Structure of intellect
    • Content
    • operation
    • product


  • Developmental Tasks

    Helen Parkhurst

  • Dalton plan

    Hilda Taba

  • Inductive Thinking model

    Ivan Pavlov

  • Classical conditioning / S type / Respondent conditioning

    Jean Piaget

  • Psycho - Genetic epistemology
  • Constructivism
  • ego-centrism
  • Learning is the result of intelligent action.
  • Hypothetico deductive reasoning
  • theory of [[Cognitive development#Piaget's theory]] (Model) 1) Sensory motor stage

      - Object Performance

    2) pre-operational stage

      - Irreversibility

    1) Concrete operational stage 2) formal operational stage

  • Assimilation

    • The process of incorporating new information into existing schema.
  • Accommodation
    • The process of modifying existing schema to fit new information.
  • Schema
    • Mental frameworks that individuals use to organize their knowledge and experiences.

      Jerome S Bloom

  • Bloom's Taxonomy
    • Cognitive domain
      • Remembering
      • Understanding
      • Applying
      • Analysing
      • Evaluating
      • Creating
    • Affective domain
      • Receiving
      • Responding
      • Valuing
      • Organising
      • Characterising
    • Psycho-Motor domain
        (i'm pan)
      • Imitation
      • Manipulation
      • Precision
      • Articulation
      • Naturalisation
  • Mastery Learning Model

    Jerome S Bruner

  • concept attainment model (CAM)
  • discovery learning
    • Learning to learn
  • Spiral curriculum
  • scaffolding
  • Stages 1) Enactive 2) Iconic 3) Symbolic
  • "Any subject can be taught in an intellectually honest manner to a child at any stage of development"

    J L Moreno

  • Sociometry

    John Dewy

  • Pragmatism
    • Progressive education
  • Group Investigation model

    John Locke

  • "child’s brain is a clear slate"


  • Moral development
    • PreConventional
      • Morality is determined by the consequences for the person.
    • Conventional
      • Morality is determined by social rules.
    • PostConventional
      • Morality is determined by core values. This level includes social contract orientation.

        Kurt Lewin

  • Field theory
    • Life force

      Lev Vygotsky

  • Social Constructivism
  • LAD - Level of Actual Development
  • ZPD - Zone of proximal development
  • Private Speech

    Mc Cormack & Yager Taxonomy

  • Knowledge level
  • Process domain
  • Creativity domain
  • Attitude domain
  • Application domain

    Noam Chomsky

  • LAD (Language Acquisition Device)
  • Father of modern linguistics

    Richard Suchman

  • Inquiry Training Model (ITM)


  • Negative Education
  • Back to Nature ?


  • 2 factor theory of intelligence
    • g and s
    • IQ ?

      Stanley Hall

  • " Adolescence is a period of stress and strain, storm and strife "

    Stephen M. Correy

  • Action Research

    Wilhem Wundt

  • First psychology laboratory

    Wolfgang Kohler

  • Insight theory of learning

