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AD-dress the Public Intrest

1. Goals of the workshop

  • Grasp the fundamental concepts and aims of promotional activities.
  • Recognize and comprehend the requirements and inclinations of the intended demographic.
  • Develop engaging and concise promotional content that aligns with educational objectives.
  • Apply effective visual design and communication strategies in advertisements.
  • Select appropriate media platforms for various promotional initiatives.
  • Acquire practical skills through hands-on advertisement creation

    2. The modus operandi of the work shop 

  • Phase 1: Organizing participants into 10 teams

  • Phase 2: Individual creation of product taglines within each team, followed by team presentations
  • Phase 3: Collaborative development of a print advertisement per team - (Refining taglines + conceptualizing visual elements)
  • Phase 4: Showcase of team-created print advertisements
  • Phase 5: Instructor-led guidance on crafting digital advertisements
  • Phase 6: Team-based scriptwriting for socially relevant topics and subsequent video production
  • Phase 7: Post-production refinement of created content
  • Phase 8: Online publication for assessment purposes

    3. Evaluating the workshop's outcomes The seminar's effectiveness and relevance are measured through:

  • Assessing the originality and pertinence of individual taglines
  • Gauging presentation abilities and rationale behind tagline choices
  • Gathering participant feedback on tagline impact
  • Observing team collaboration and group dynamics
  • Reviewing script relevance and video inventiveness
  • Measuring technical competence and artistic flair in post-production
  • Appraising collective creativity and visual impact of final products

Video ad

4. Event Photos

